
It is important for a security guard to understand the reason that they were hired to patrol a certain area.

For example, they may be expected establish a presence to keep intruders away, check equipment and make sure it is still functioning properly, etc.

Once the guard understands his duties, it is his responsibility to guard the property.

A guard must also understand that his duties may change from shift to shift.

  • For example, he may be expected to keep intruders out one shift, then the next he is expected to make sure the equipment is functioning properly and incessantly.

The guard must make himself familiar with the surroundings of the site as well as the site itself.

He She must be able to locate important things such as the back-up generators, emergency exits, first-aid kits, electrical & alarm panels, etc.

In case of emergency, the guard must know the most direct, and simplest route to said area.

A list should be made up of specific tasks and activities that need to be done on specific patrol shifts.

This list should include:

  • Major check points
  • Rooms
  • Stairwells
  • Alternate routes should be made in case of fires, explosions or chemical leaks.

The guard should vary his patrol and route timing so as not to become too predictable.

Be both proactive and reactive.

The guard should possess proper equipment, including uniform.

This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Hard hat
  • Reflective vest
  • Steel toe boots