Vehicle patrol

Vehicle patrol is used when the area being covered is too great to be covered on foot.

When using vehicles for patrolling it is beneficial because you have the ability to communicate with the dispatcher at all times using Primarily a TWO-WAY RADIO and/or mobile phones.

Specific instructions will be given based on the site that you are working at.

Patrols will include (but are not limited to):

  • Parking lots
  • Storage yards
  • Perimeter fence lines
  • Outer perimeters
  • Areas that are impractical to patrol on foot

It is your responsibility as the guard driving the vehicle to ensure it is working properly.


  • Highly visible
  • Larger areas can be covered in a shorter period of time
  • Speed in responding to other areas of the site increased
  • Additional equipment may be carried
  • Protection from inclement weather – rain, snow, temperature extremes


  • May be restricted to particular areas (roads or paths)
  • Vision may be partially restricted inside a vehicle
  • Attention will be on the road and not as much on the surroundings.
  • Inclement weather may prevent or curtail some activities
  • The engine noise may mask certain outdoor noises or alert an intruder of your presence
  • Sealed cabs on some vehicles may prevent the detection of some dangerous situations
  • The potentially hazardous fumes that a guard on foot would smell might not be noticed by someone inside of a vehicle