WHMIS provides information on the dangers and safe handling of certain materials, including biological and chemical substances.

This will provide you with the knowledge to recognize specific symbols (identifying toxic materials), as well as what to do if you encounter them.

Information regarding these symbols and products should be readily available at your place of employment.

Your employer should have policies and procedures on what to do if you encounter certain products.

Doing the WHMIS program will ensure security guards are prepared to deal with emergency situations, and how to deal with encounters with toxic materials (Small, non life-threatening encounters. Anything that may cause sickness or death should be reported to the authorities. If necessary, call an ambulance).

Security guards should review any available Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for potentially hazardous materials.

Security guards should evaluate what materials or situations they may be exposed to at every site.

They should also consider what tools and equipment will be needed in case of an emergency (eye flushing kit, first aid kit, etc).

Emergency response contact numbers should be posted in a visible location in the workplace.

When there is a health and safety risk that requires emergency response, the security guard should know the following:

  • Know when to initiate the emergency response plan
  • Evacuate the area and have only restricted access
  • Contact the employer’s WHMIS response team or emergency services.

Examples: chemical spill or leak, fires or explosions, improper exposure to a dangerous substance.