Emergency level first aid

Emergency level First Aid training and certification is required to complete the process of acquiring your security guard license.

The course offered through St John Ambulance will suffice.

Upon completion, security guards should be familiar with the following:

  • Emergency Scene Management
  • Treatment of shock, unconsciousness and fainting
  • Choking- adults
  • Severe bleeding
  • One rescuer CPR- Adult


Security guards must complete this course through a registered trainer in order to obtain their security guard license.

What is First Aid?

First Aid is emergency care to someone who is ill or injured using readily available materials.

First Aid is meant to help preserve a life, to help prevent further injury and promote recovery until first responders (ambulance personnel, police officers, firefighters) are able to make it to the scene.

Anyone can provide First Aid and take charge of an emergency scene.

Providing such help can help save a person’s life until first responders arrive.

It is their job to respond to an emergency, however you can expect them to ask direct questions regarding the scene, the casualty and your involvement.

Having your Emergency First Aid will allow you to have the knowledge of what questions should be asked in specific situations.

For example, if someone has fainted, having your First Aid you will have the knowledge to ask questions including (but not limited to):

  • Have you eaten today?
  • Are you diabetic?
  • Have you started any new medication recently?
  • Have you had any surgeries in the past month?

In addition to providing First Aid, a security guard on an emergency scene may also:

  • Protect the casualty’s belongings
  • Keep unnecessary people away
  • Reassure family or friends of the casualty

Your employer should inform you on their First Aid policies including incident reports, to ensure that the situation is dealt with in a timely fashion.

St John’s Ambulance Emergency Level First Aid Training: http://www.sja.ca/Canada/PDF%20Documents/SJA%20Poster%20emergency(adult)%20v3English.pdf